The Little Lady

The Little Lady

Hot Fudge for Ice Cream

Let me tell you right now, there is NO better hot fudge than the home made kind from my Great Grandma's recipe collection. My mother actually tweaked it herself and every since then, we know that if we make it we better be prepared for that temptation sitting in the fridge till it's gone. To be perfectly honest, it's drink-able good. I have not done so myself...yet. But man it's been a thought!

  • 1/2 c. butter (1 stick)
  • 1 c. sugar
  • 3 heaping large spoonfuls of cocoa
  • 1 tbsp. corn starch
  • 1 can evap. milk
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • dash of salt
You first want to melt the butter completely in a bottom heavy stove top pot. Don't let it boil for long by itself, because once it's melted you go ahead and put the sugar in. Stir that, then add the cocoa and corn starch. Stir all together well until it starts to boil, then add the evap. milk in slowly while stirring still. You'll want to continually stir at this point because it can easily scorch. The mixture will need to come to a boil again, and let in boil for about a minute, this helps it thicken. After that add the vanilla in and the salt. The vanilla may stop the boiling slightly and that is nothing to worry about. Once all is mixed together, remove from stove top and let sit for a few minutes, then serve over ice cream! Vanilla is the best of course, but we've had it over mint-chip, peppermint and a few others just for testing. It is so yummy! Refrigerate once done serving and keep it refrigerated always. It is microwavable (best served warm/hot), but only microwave as much as you want to use. Enjoy!

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