The Little Lady

The Little Lady

Saturday, November 8, 2014

A Random November Blip

Alright, I've been neglecting my blog and I wish I hadn't been. I'd like to keep this going. Life gets away to easy with so many I'd-like-to-do's in my bubbling brain! Right now in life, we've had a curve ball thrown at us this past week. One that involves our household head, my mom. The one who so kindly is supplying us with a loving home as not-so-newly-weds-though-newlyweds with a 10 m/o girl. Her work of 25+ years has been bought out by three, now upcoming, four companies. All the time being employed until most recently, they are uncertain of which of the five locations her company owns, of the two they will keep open. If Boise's is out, she's out, and she'll have to move, we'll have to move, and move as in, Kirk and I will be getting a place of our own. Scary, nerve-racking, exciting, dissapointing, sickening, name the emotion, I'm sure I can relate it to this situation. It's a flood. And it is scary. Beside that though, I actually have reason to kinda look at homes now. I've had my heart on this one that we would more than likely consider a second/third home for us once we have our kids. Though I would argue having it now wink wink. Honestly, this home, it's the kind you'd see on a Christmas card. At least in my head. "Happy Christmas from the Lewis Family" kind of card. Anywho, that's not the house we're actually thinking about at the moment, though still, this whole we may have to move again deal, it's not a for sure go quite yet. We'll find out my January 2015. And I hate that it's going to take that long to find out for SURE. I can only pray my mom won't be thrown that stone of stress. She deserves this home she's in. I want her to keep it.
Emma has three teeth. Her first came Sep. 12th (bottom left), second a few weeks later (bottom right), her third one is facinating! Top one next to left front tooth. Usually it's one of the front teeth on top that come in third. But she's different! It's a cute smile non the less. She's crawling wicked fast. And we have her blessing date set finally. November 23rd. My Grandparents will be in town luckily! All for her blessing, Kirk and my talks, my birthday, and Thanksgiving! I really hope the weather will cooperate.
That's my little blip. It's been too long since my last post. I actually have new recipies and crafts I've done too. More than one of each. I'll have to get them up!