The Little Lady

The Little Lady

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

I have about 35 minutes to write this...

Story of a parents life am I correct? "I have this much time to do this! And GO!". In all seriousness, I am serious. Thirty five minutes out of my busy day that I have time to sit down and pour what I can out of my heart and head.
First off, have you watched "Blended" with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore? No? You should it's hilarious and cute.
Second, Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas everyone!
Third, let's get strait to what I want to blab about tonight. Today was one of those few good days for the books...that's not to make my other days sound bad, but realistically, they're the regular kind of days that someone of my age, married and with an almost one year old, should have I guess. I imagine someone else doing better at twenty one. *face palm* They probably wouldn't be. Anyway, today was a good day because I got to see more smiles or at least good attitude from my husband. We helped Emma walk. We ate Panda Express. I worked on Christmas cards and he played video games then went to work, might I add, without the look on his face that breaks my heart some days in more ways then one. Pictures, don't have them, funny things Emma did out of the ordinary that could inspire any other parent to immediately publish it to the internet in some form, nada. Nope, it's simply me having an inkling of time to myself that's not Emma napping less then ten feet behind me while I attempt to type quietly which actually if you pay attention to the noise, IT'S IMPOSSIBLE.
Folks, I have done crafts (more than one) and with the Christmas season upon us, recipes too that I would love share! I will try my best to get on it!
Signing off tonight as the woman who actually curled her hair for the first time in half a year and no makeup on (I say this, because it's something different that I accomplished today rather than the regular "I got dressed for once!"). Good night!