The Little Lady

The Little Lady

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Holly's Secret Starbucks Recipes!

Alrighty Folks, In my time at Starbucks and being the creative when bored person that I am, I have played around with recipes and tweaked them. I have a few drinks I've made up myself I'll include here, and I hope it will be useful to have created this post! I very much enjoyed the time I spent working at Starbucks in Fred Meyer, and will miss that fun enviornment when I leave in two weeks to stay at home with miss Emma now and working. Enjoy!

"Holly's Chocolate Covered Strawberry Frappuccino"
(Best with no coffee) Grande Size Recipe

Whole Milk (default)
Pour contents into blender pitcher
2 pumps white mocha
2 pumps raspberry syrup
3 scoops java chips
1 scoop freeze dried strawberries
scoop ice
creme base
top with whipped cream and chocolate drizzle

"Holly's Starbucks Stroke" *seasonal*
(Can be served with coffee or without) Grande Size Recipe

3 Frap Base Pumps (if you choose to include coffee) I suggest without being a non coffee drinker
whole Milk (default)
pour contents into blender pitcher
2 Pumps Butterscotch
2 Pumps Mocha
1 Pump Caramel Syrup
1 Pump Cinn. Dolce Syrup
1 Pump Toffee Nut Syrup
3 Scoops Jave Chips
scoop Ice
creme or Coffee Base (based on preference of coffee free or coffee)
Blend and top with whipped cream and caramel drizzle

"Holly's Tutti Fruity Frappuccino" *seasonal*
(Best with no Coffee) Grande Sized Recipe

Whole Milk (Default)
Pour contents into blender pitcher
2 pumps mango syrup
2 pumps peach syrup
2 pumps raspberry syrup
2 pumps white mocha
1 scoop freeze dried berries
1 scoop freeze dried strawberries
scoop ice
creme base
blend and top with whipped cream

"Holly's Tutti Fruity Tea" *seasonal*
Venti Sized Recipe

passion tango tea to bottom line in shaker
very berry hibiscus concentrate to middle line in shaker (no water)
2 pumps raspberry
2 pumps peach
2 pumps mango
1 scoop freeze dried berries
scoop ice
shake & serve

"Holly's Peach Cobbler Brewed Tea "
Similar to London Fog-flavors are replaced

Steep Peach Tranquility in half filled cup of hot water for 2+ minutes
Pump peach syrup  on size after steeped
Steam 2% (default) to fill other half of cup
top with whip cream and cinn. dolce sprinkles (optional)

"Holly's Chocolate Mango Madness Frappuccino" *seasonal*
(best with no coffee) Grande Sized Recipe

Whole Milk (default)
Pour contents into blender pitcher
2 pumps mocha
2 pumps mango
scoop ice
creme base
top with whip cream

"Holly's Chocolate Mango Madness Iced" *seasonal*
(best without coffee) Grande Sized Recipe

4 pumps mocha into cup
4 pumps mango syrup into cup
swirl flavors together
pour milk to top line
scoop ice
top with whip cream (optional)

"Holly's Favorite Chai Drink"
This one is not my creation, but most customers don't know it's real name, "Christmas Morning" from Dutch Bros! It can be made hot iced or blended. The trick in my opinion is to split the amount of pumps between each flavor in half.

It's chai with white mocha.

So a grande hot beverage of this would take two pumps of chai and two pumps of white mocha.

Dutch Bros uses half an half for milk, I use non fat. I down the sweetness to make it more enjoyable! It is a VERY SWEET DRINK. Not for the faint of heart if you get the full pumps of each, especially if you get half and half (stick to the back of your throat all day making you cough up a lung sweet)

Top with whip cream and cinnamon sprinkles!

Alrighty Kids. I have two weeks left. If I come up with any more favorites in the mean time I will post them to here! I'm so happy to have made these yummy popular drinks for you so far, glad you enjoyed them!

Incredibly Happy

Wow, what a last two weeks it has been! I had started a post last Sunday but never finished it. Much has happened, and I am feeling very blessed at this time in my life. Remember when I mentioned Kirk had scored a new job? I'm sure I mentioned it in my last post. Well, guess who found a full time stay at home job? This girl! I have a good family friend in our ward who currently works the same position (there's a dozen or so of this same job in the company), but she knew I had been looking for awhile. I actually wasn't exactly the first pick, and though don't know what happened with the first choice, I feel very lucky knowing that I was their second choice. It may sound embarrassing, but hey, I now have this job offer, and it is a blessing to our life! It will be data entry for now, and there is room for growth and transferring to different departments that could be office jobs! For now, I'm thrilled we'll be able to save the money from daycare and I can keep little miss Emma at home with me. It will give me a consistent pay check and a routine that we can stick too. Kirk and I are very happy with both of our new good fortunes.
As for what else has happened in our life in the past two weeks, we've officially moved our new inherited bedroom set partly to Kirk's parents place and here. I've been working on one of the nightstand and ...TA-DA! I finished it (basically). I am waiting to ploy the entire set until I have all of them together in one place. Or at least I'd like to wait, we'll see. I'm in love with the new look though, pictures are below for browsing. This is my very first furniture refurbish project if you don't count my clearance lamp make-over and the grill project Kirk and I took on last summer. Needless to say, that's a metal project and it's surprisingly similar to redoing furniture. There is a lot, a lot, A LOT of sanding involved. I accessed muscles in my arms I don't use often and they were very sore for a few days this past week. That was just the nightstand I working on...I have another, a long dresser and tall dresser as well. So this will be fun, and the biggest project I've taken on to date! It's exhausting but very exciting.
Emma is snuggled up next to me currently while I blog away watching Mickey Mouse Club House. She's a great cuddle buddy right now and I love every moment of it. She's been taking her diaper off recently..(oh, crap...literally), which is moving us into the potty training phase. I may have mentioned this awhile back already, I cannot remember. But regardless, now is the time I feel, because her bare bum was found being lifted up by my hand twice yesterday by surprise rather than the usual diaper in the morning. TWICE. I was hoping to hold this stage off for awhile longer, but it seems I can't control that...
What else...I found I new craft store. As if I needed this in my life with my addiction problem already. And...*coughs* I may have found three projects already that I completely *clears throat* finished in...*whispers under breathe* one week. It's bad. And they have a rewards program for every purchase. Want to know the place? Here is their Facebook link.

I LOVE some of their seasonal projects! I'll post the projects I finished. They have great sales and I would love to see them flooded with business after telling all the ladies I know who love to craft about them! Woodworks is an amazing, very cool little store.

I now am going to reply to my two close Sister Missionary friends I haven't talked to in two weeks. But updates will be coming in again soon!