The Little Lady

The Little Lady

Monday, September 14, 2015

It's Autumn Time

My post's title tonight is inspired by a primary hymn that I sing to Emma, as I try to sing to her daily little church songs that she can grow to learn. It is Autumn time, today especially felt so. It was overcast here and rainy part of the day, but had that chill and even smell of fall outside. It was so nice! Now remind me to look back at this post in three or four months when I'm complaining about the dreary whether. It's always the start of a season that I enjoy. The first few weeks or so I enjoy the feel of, as do most. Fall would be my favorite time of the year. At work, we've put out pumpkins this past week that look AMAZING and I want so badly to create this one from Pinterest (is that surprising?). It's placed on its side so the stem is the nose and instead of it being a regular fairly round all around pumpkin, it looks like it's been sat it so it's flat. I'll post a picture if I can get around to buying and creating what I have in mind.
So I'm very much wanting to post more often, but with my schedule I become exhausted fairly quickly. I'm planning to change that, or take hold of it with a better grip here. It's taking time. What happens daily though is important to look back on. I see this as a journal of sorts, and would love to record my life as I make it.
Today, Emma has had a good day, so I have had good day too knowing this. Her bed time routine I'm coming to realize isn't just a soothing end to the day for her, but for me also. Bath time, lotion, jimmies, singing, brushing teeth then give or take thirty minutes of a movie, books and cuddling through the entire process, it's very comforting. I look forward to that part of the day because I'm that mom that refuels in that process. Having Emma close to me is therapeutic and special in a way that is hard to explain any other way than just simply saying I love her so much. She is what has kept me going every single day. She's a reminder I love and welcome. Seeing her run to me when Kirsten opens the door once I pick her up from daycare is the one of the best feelings a mom can have. She is so excited and happy, it makes me feel like she knows I'm gone for a good reason and she's thankful to see me finally.
I want to take a few days off in the next few weeks. I'm thinking about five would do well, as long as I can schedule it to where I can still get thirty two to forty hours in the two weeks the break would be between. I want so badly to overcome the mountain of need for organization of a closet in Emmas room, clean up the rest of my belongings in my moms garage and get it all into storage, transfer every file and photo from my moms PC to my macbook or disks, finish crafts I have yet to (they are piling up), finish a book that sides open faced on my nightstand everyday, clean up the back yard's garden for the season and just get some good rest. I'm burning out at my job, and from home. I'm very much wanting to find the time for all of this, because these tasks are too big to conquer in one days sitting once work is past and school. I want time with my baby as well. I miss being home with her during the day.
That is my shpeel for the night. I will try to continue thoughts and posts of pictures here soon. Here are some recent images that don't really relate to the content of my post, but you may want to see how big Emma is getting or what we've been up to!

Emma and I watching Frozen for the billionth time

Sarahs and my trip to McCall in June

McCalls main beach area

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