The Little Lady

The Little Lady

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy All Hallows Eve!

Or Happy Halloween is a much more commonly known saying. I would love to say I've been letting Emma get crafty in the spirit of Halloween, but I worked today, and alas she is not even two years old. Kirk's family is excellent on celebrating any holiday with get together's that are worth it. His family is so large is always so fun to get together. We can meet at a church building and trick or treat as a family all by ourselves. In fact that's just what we did! Games, dinner, trick or treating, prizes, dressing up, free-for all table. What is a free for all table you might ask? Well, this is also something we do now at our get togethers, there are so many children that toys and clothes become out grown very fast. So half the time I know the family loves to take their belongings to re-use stores such as Kids Again, or the other half, we donate our belongings to each other. There was so much stuff in filled three six foot long tables! I was able to snag quite a few good clothes Emma can grow into! Here are some pictures from this Halloween seasons follows.
FYI - Kirk is Sully, I'm Mike Wasowski, and Emma is Boo from Monsters Inc.

The wreathe I made

Our painted shirts as a Monsters Inc. family!

Hallowen Party-bobbing for apples!


Line for games!

Kirk dressed up (I'm lucky to have gotten a picture of him like this.)

My luck carries on :)

Pumpkin walk

And then Emma being Emma

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