The Little Lady

The Little Lady

Monday, February 22, 2016

2016 is Looking Up!

It's been quite awhile since I have posted! As usual too, much has happened. To be honest, things are looking up between Kirk and I. We were struggling for awhile. That old saying or fact that the first year or two of marriage are the hardest, well I can live up to that enormously. They have been trying, and I'm so sure that will we still face challenges. It feels good though, how things have changed recently. It feels better, healthier. I see happiness in Kirk as well. We're more careful with one another and always try hard to share happiness with one another. It's starting to feel more natural. I won't spoil his fantastic news as there are family members reading this occasionally, but for him on the job front...well I won't say anymore until he announces it.
As for my job situation, I'm still awaiting a phone interview for a full time stay at home job that happens this coming Wednesday. I'm very eager and excited. If were to get this job, I wouldn't have to worry about waiting to have more kiddos once we're ready when we're in our own place. Speaking of, we're looking at houses! Not looking to buy quite yet with Kirk still in school till the end of April, but it's coming up quick. So we're keeping at eye out for houses weekly if not more (I should say I because I'm hounding's selection daily). It's very exciting, imagining what we'll finally be able to do with our own place! So many pinterest possibilities! Oh, I meant possibilities, I shouldn't admit my pinterest addiction when it comes to new home ideas.
There are plenty of other things looking up as well, it's just been a good start off on the year so far. Kirk and I shared an amazing Valentines Day weekend together in McCall. I'm working on a video I've been putting together for it with all the pictures we took so instead of taking a half our to upload pics I'll upload that when it's done.
I'm so excited to see what the next few months hold! I'm sure I'll have plenty to post and write about coming up, but right now I want to read my two year some books she's flipping through by herself.
Thanks for reading!

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