The Little Lady

The Little Lady

Sunday, February 28, 2016

A Good Week

This upcoming week will be Kirks last week with Fredy's! I'm so thrilled for him, he put in his two weeks last Monday when he had an interview with a computer company that he'd become a tech for and they offered him a job on the spot! It's been an answer to our prayers that we've hoped for for quite some time! I interviewed with a new company myself this past week for a full time stay at home job, and I'll be waiting to hear back from them this Monday or Tuesday. There were quite a few people interviewing I think and it's only one available position, but hey, if it's meant to be, it will happen I believe. If not, there is another opportunity coming that will be better. I'm trusting this to faith.
I also found out I finally get to inherit  this BEAUTIFUL french provincial bedroom set my mom originally had for a few years in our first home, then it went to my cousin and stayed with her parens when she moved out, and now they want to get rid of it! I'm thrilled to say this least. I have so many ideas for how to fix it up (after natural ware and tare over the years). Maybe you guys can help? My main hope is to have the top part a dark natural wood close to cherry or espresso stain, then the drawer and body section I'm undecided on. I'll post pics of my ideas.
Kirk and I are also looking into getting house hopefully this summer. It would be a big big step! But financially, we're getting closer to being able to look into it. My car we paid off almost completely this past week, Kirk is finishing up paying off school loans from the past three years, and a few other expenses will be wrapped up soon. We're very excited.
Emma has been a little fire ball of course. She's learned the tongue spit thing and she thinks it's hilarious. She also recognizes when she toots and thinks it 'funny' or 'silly' or at least she says it is. Obviously she only thinks so because Dad, Mom and Grandma respond my laughing when she does it. She's huge on climbing...everything. All. Day. Long. I have to constantly tell her to get down, be careful or any of the other things parents usually say in this case. A phase I'm hoping she'll learn from sooner rather than later. Running is a huge energy burner for her right now. She'll circle the kitchen island about ten times yelling in excitement which has become pretty amusing! I keep asking her to give me some of her energy. How she has that much I would only understand if I were her age.
This past week I also got some bad news though. One of my good friends since high school passes away in a car accident with a power line. I've been so proud of him in the past few years because after graduating, he had some rough times but through a girlfriend and friends of his he actually found The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He was baptized about a year ago I believe, I've kept the program to his baptism for scrapbooking but have since packed away for later use. Our house his so cramped as it is, over half my craft stuff is in the storage unit. But back to Jeremy, he had so much going for him.  He was preparing to go on a mission, he was working full time I believe with Freddy's as well, even going to school. He was becoming a good young man, and I'll be proud of how hard he was working forever. Most of my life, I feel I'd be pretty sensitive with anyones death, fortunately not many people close to me died in my younger years. I can count on one hand, and even their deaths were when I was a child. I've been lucky, but unfortunately, we're to the point in life now where I'm afraid I may start to know more who will die. I'm not trying to sound depressing, but that's how it is as you age. The older you get, others get old to...But (I know we've all been waiting for the 'but' in this topic) as I said I feel I've been that way, until recently, when a few people all entered the hospital in my family alone with very serious conditions. So serious, death was thought to have occurred. It is still not being ruled out, but they've come close to. And in this time, I've felt sad of course, but a sense of peace is with me as well. A knowledge that I'll be able to see these loved ones again some day soon. I'm heartbroken I won't see them on earth again in my lifetime here, but when I die, guess who I'll get to see again? And guess who in the mean time I believe is so incredibly happy to be standing by their fathers side in heaven? Jeremy specifically, didn't believe in god or religion at all when I met him. I believe he was atheist even, but through good friends, he found the church, and a light was lit in his life that I saw made him so happy. He was a different person. He came from a tough, dark place after high school, he made some bad decisions, and I myself saw his relief and happiness when he came out of that bad place. I'll miss him, but I know I'll see my good friend again some day. I know he's so happy right now. I honestly believe that

This is Jeremy
 This is one of the fun times a few friends including Jeremy, Thalia, Justin, Clayton and I were at Walmart, messing around!
This is one of the ideas I have for the drawers, I love the white body as well!
I thought of a pastel blue as well, I'm a blue gal, but I'm eventually going to build or buy a rustic bed frame to match either of the stains I choose for the top of the dresser
 Love this dark Brown for the drawers as well, maybe keep the drawers and top a wood stain and the body white?
 A picture of the top of the dresser the way I'd love it
I think you can comment on this post, if you wouldn't mind leaving your opinion? I'm definitely sticking to this general idea for the bedroom set, I'm pretty stuck on it. But would still love input about it! How to make it unique. 
Thank you for reading this week! 

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