The Little Lady

The Little Lady

Thursday, September 25, 2014

I'm to Embarrassed...

I love my daughter. She is absolutely stunning to me, I mean she's my daughter, we all take pride in our kids right? I thought she was so cute even as a newborn. I say that because apparently there's this thing parents before me already had going that newborns are ugly. Excuse me! They just sat inside another persons stomach for nine months all squished up! Yes, lets give credit to those amazing women who carry the earths new generation after generation, but hey give those little pink and wrinkly cuties some credit to! They didn't have time to put makeup on or do their hair (if they have any), or even put on a cute outfit-they were too excited to see you for the first time. I'm laughing to myself thinking the 'what if', if that applied to us. Can you imagine? "Hey sorry I'm naked, but I just didn't feel it important enough to dress up prior to my visiting you because I was so excited!". In public, a friends house, church! Okay now I'm just rambling because it's so late and I'm finding my own jokes humorous. That's the tall tale sign that I should not be on the internet anymore. Go to be Holly.
Any who, I started off with saying my daughter is beautiful because I don't EVER hesitate to take pictures of her. I'm sure most parents feel that way of any of their babies when they are just babies! It's me. I can't stand taking picture of myself. Call me lazy, but I just don't see it important to do my hair and makeup for my baby each day. And I'm fine with that! Though when I think "Oh, I should take a picture with my baby..." I don't. Or I try and then fall into hysterics or am just mortified when I look back at the picture I just took moments before. PLEASE TELL ME I'm not the only one who does this? Look, our babies still give us the worlds biggest toothless smile imaginable whether we have our faces done or not. That's pure love, and I'll wallow and just soak in it thank you! While my daughter is young enough not to care about my appearance-I'll be taking advantage of that. So to back up this posts name...yes, I am too embarrassed to even consider taking a picture of myself, though coincidentally, I also don't care. Which is pretty much just contradicting myself.

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