The Little Lady

The Little Lady

Sunday, September 21, 2014

A Real Time to Think

It's tough trying to find time during the day to actually sit down and take the time to write in a personal journal. Up until now I have like that idea, but ironically, I can't even find the dang thing. I take it as a sign that my other idea is what is meant to be, online journaling. Should I? Both yes and no. Yes, because hey let's face it, typing is way faster than regular writing right? You're hand wont hurt after, you don't have to worry about keeping the tangible item in a safe spot, let alone having to find it each dang time. But no...because there is something old fashioned and I speak mainly to myself when I say this-but let's face it, more romantic than typing away on today's technology. I'm a sucker for romance, and I don't just mean books. Hand written letters get to me too. I sometimes wonder if I was brought it to this world in the right decade.
So my life today; well, it's a life! just a very very crazy one at times. It's been a week since my official last day at Fred Meyer. I miss the people mostly. Though I'm glad I can feel as if I can decide my own schedule now. It gives me a better sense of peace and organization at least. I hope to get up early each day now, make breakfast for Kirk since his schedule is also different now. School from 8am-12/1pm and work from 2pm-11pm most days. He's exhausted. He deserves a good meal first thing in the morning to start his day off right. The problem? He's not a breakfast person. Well, there goes that motivation! I still try though. As for lunch, he's staying close to the part of Boise that school and work are both close to mostly instead. His friend Josh is also his buddy at the time mostly I think. Then work for him, and after work each night I make sure to have a meal ready for him. That is also another one he deserves.
It's surreal, getting used to being a stay at home mom. Part of me feels like some might see me as lazy, then the other part resents that, knowing that being a stay at home mom is so much more than what is in the title. It's being a mom for one thing. Make the list of what that consists of, and the next time we talk would be a few hours from now. Not really, but the list can go on. I want to be supportive in his schooling, thought its computer support and IT related, the field were you may as well be speaking pig-latin. You know, someone could speak a sentence that consists of ten words, and you hear let's say the third word spoken and it takes you seven seconds to break it apart and put it back together, then receiving the light bulb of "Oh OH! I know what that means!". That's me with anything computer tech related. It's sad, but not surprising. So I tell him to just help me understand the minimal of what I would need to know to help him. I think it's enough that its not worth it to him...I just wish I could help him. He's got so much on his plate.
So as for me and involvement of finding a way to bring in some sort of money, I'm looking for nanny gigs that could be part time-though long term. And one were my own baby can join me. Good luck eh? We will see I suppose.
Well, I would continue to write my inner most personal juicy thoughts, but I will leave my non-existant audience on their toes!
Good night all.

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